Wednesday, June 3, 2015

The one with the blessing board….

We recently had baby dedications at our church, and one of the great things about it was that we got a chance to publicly speak a blessing over Vivian.  I wanted to have something that can be hung in her room so that she could also see the blessings that we have been praying over her, so I made her a blessing board. 

In the week prior to the dedication, I had been hearing the word “fierce” for Vivian.  At first I wasn’t sure if I heard correctly, because the word has such a strong definition. In all of the research I have done, usually the somewhere in the definition it has the word barbaric in it!  But as I read more into it, there are the words passionate, unrestrained zeal, determined, or the best one: a heartfelt and powerful intensity. So I stewed on it for a bit.  Then to gather items to make the board, we headed over to Michael’s to check the clearance section.  And there hanging on a hook was a bracelet jewel set that said……..FIERCE!  Um. Okay! I get it!   So I snatched that little bedazzled gem up so I could add it to the board.  It just so happened that I could place the letters to fierce, on each letter of her name, which is perfect because we want her to have a fierce desire for the Lord in her heart.  Sweet!

The board was originally brown, and I spray painted it white.  I then cut out the pink ribbon and pinned it to the border with these cute jeweled pins I found. I glued down the letters onto thick ribbon so they would pop. I left the edges of the thick ribbon  frayed because, well, we all have frayed edges don’t we?  I finished up the board by placing scripture  and quotes onto scrapbook paper, and added a key and cross secured also with the jeweled pins.  (The N looks a little wonky….but it only looks like that in the picture. Strange.) 


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Here’s our little peanut on her dedication day:


Honesty note:  We still haven’t hung up her board yet…but it will eventually be hung on her door.

Monday, March 23, 2015

So….my husband was right.



Sheesh.  I hate to admit it, but on a couple of occasions, I should have just given in and listened to him right away without trying to make excuses.  Or trying to sway him to do things my way.  Or just shrugging off what he said.  Of course I don’t do that all the time. Mostly just on these occasions when he was right. So totally right.


About a year ago, Jeremy had mentioned that we should start to recycle.  Our HOA offers pick up for free, so he really wanted to.  Here was my reply- “Oh honey, we don’t really use much to have to recycle.”  And he politely listened without argument or discussion.  Fast forward to about 3 months ago.  We have a bin in the garage that he cleaned out, and he started to put recyclables into it.  Um.   Yeah.  We go through a lot of things that can be recycled!!

I stand totally corrected, and I’m in awe of our mass quantities of plastics and papers. 

This is 13 days worth of things that we were able to put into our bin-


We have almost this much every two weeks.


Here is my challenge to you.  For two weeks, get a box, or a trash bin, or even a rubber made bin, and put your recyclable items in it to see just how much you throw out.  I’m still shocked every time we put it all out at the curb.  

Reduce, re-use, recycle. 
