Well, last week was an interesting one. Remember how I was so excited to get rid of Directv? Well, I’m still glad we did, but our relationship with the company didn’t end quite so well after what they did to us. Let me explain. When I originally cancelled the service, we knew there would be a charge to end our contract so I made sure to tell them that I would have to make payments to pay it off. The operator on the phone said “okay”, and we went on with the cancelling of our account. Well. Fast forward to last week when they took out $405.00 out of our checking account!! Now, 400 bucks is a lot to a regular family where both adults are working, but to a family where one is working part time and the other gets miniscule unemployment benefits, that is a serious hit on the checking account! That happened on Tuesday, and for the rest of the week I had the hardest time staying on top of the hurt that the whole debacle left me. I can only keep “getting up” so many times before I’m just weary. This one was really tough.
I made a pinterest recipe. Mini Corndogs. It was such a fun little recipe to make! Here they are in the oven ready to be baked.
And this is how they turned out:
Cute huh? They tasted really good too!
Guess who got his permit? Yep. Seth. Here he is driving my car around a High School for practice. Watch out world!! Hehe!
See ya next time!